Wedding Photo Sneak Peak Slideshow

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1+1=Forever by Debbie Brown Photo

Thursday, February 12, 2009

37: Hair trial

37 days to go!

A couple of weeks ago I had my hair trial ... I'll get to that in a minute --- first, let me explain how I ended up with long hair.

I prefer my hair short. And, Jon prefers my hair short.

So ... you may ask --- why is my hair so dang long then?!?

Well --- in Sept 2006 I left my then-dreadful bank job without another job. So, I spent a few months unemployed ... and realized that I had to let certain luxuries go - expensive haircuts was one of them. So, I started to let my hair grow out. At the end of that year I started at the place where I work now and started trying to catch up from being unemployed for so long. Expensive haircuts were not going to be added back into the budget anytime soon --- not that my hair was very long at that time anyways ... it just kind of hung right at or right below my shoulders - totally acceptable as "short" hair still.

Then Feb of 2007 rolled around and my best friend Kylie (the matron of honor in my wedding) got engaged AND asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. So I figured that since I wasn't paying for any expensive haircuts anyways ... I would just continue to grow my hair out for her wedding.

I only like my hair two ways - short and sassy or long and curly. Right now its not short and sassy like I would prefer - and its too long to spend any time trying to curl it. It's just kind of long, straight, frizzy, and stringy. I'm not very pleased at all with it.

Ok --- back to my story ... then Jan 2008 rolled around and I got engaged ... so since I was already growing my hair out for Kylie's wedding (which was in May 2008) I figured I would just let it keep on growing out for my wedding, too!

After a while I just decided I would see how long I could get it before my wedding and then I would chop it all off (the next available appt after my wedding day preferably) and donate it.

So - that's my plan. I originally thought I would wear it half-up and half-down with lots of curls --- but my hair actually doesn't hold curls that well. So, I've decided on an up do.

Here are some photos from my hair trial --- I love the way it turned out and I'm excited!

So - what do you think???

*I didn't get any pictures with my hair pins in --- but Lisa did put them in there and they looked sooo good --- you'll just have to check back after the wedding to see :)

1 comment:

Linzel said...

Wow. Lisa is "da bomb".. I love love love it. Do you love it too? Your hair is sooo damn shiny!